Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Hedge Wizard

Hey all!
This is a little something I made for a friend's house-warming gift. This was really just a clever excuse for me to oil paint on a sheet of Terraskin paper! I've been meaning to use this stuff for a while, and now that I've finally had a chance to try it out, I'm pleasantly surprised. To anyone who wants to use it; it's cheap, it's eco-friendly to the max, and oil paint just loves it. It also feels like really thin leather, but I can't decide if that's a plus or a minus.
I made a very detailed tonal pencil sketch in HB graphite. This paper really loved graphite (but not erasing it). Afterwards, I did a fast oil embauche (thank you James Gurney) and let that set overnight. The rest of the painting was done in one day in about a single layer with a fair amount of blending but keeping things very transparent to keep as much of my pencil drawing as I could.
This work was done on a short time limit. If I'd had more time, I could have played with it longer. As it was, this was a good practice, and made for a nice gift.
As for the theme, I just started drawing someone with a crazy ass costume in that position. I thought of adding an animal to the mix, to make it all that much more random, and I immediately thought of hedgehogs. So whatever, it works on some level.

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