Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dark Fantasy

Hey all!
While I was going through my move, I went through a serious dark fantasy kick. I tend to find that, when I feel uninspired, I retreat to dark fantasy as a means of rejuvenation. For me, that particular image genre holds a lot of freedom. I used to just sit down and decide to draw demons and just let my horrible little imagination run free until I found something new to occupy myself with.
In that spirit, I had this idea for a dark fantasy/film noire style story taking place in a world where witches are a fairly dominant part of society which emerged towards the end of the industrial revolution in a big way. I did a lot of reading on everything noire for a while. I've always had a little bit of a fascination of the genre and what it could potentially add to other mediums. This is the closest I've come to writing in a long time. I'm still refining the main guy and his "Girl Friday" sidekick and who knows if it will ever amount to anything, but it makes for some fun thought experiments.
In that spirit of fantasy meets the cold, hard, gritty streets, I came up with a whole slew of little drawings which I will now share with you. Well, share the best ones anyhow. I hope you enjoy. More updates soon.
Also, more news to come shortly on a new project I'm embarking on. This is kinda big and I feel a little hesitant to get into details yet, but I will before too long, don't worry.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sketchdump: The Return!

Hey all!
I'm aware that it's been over a month since my last update. Things have been kind of on the busy side lately, in the defense. I recently moved so things are still kind of in a tizzy. My new apartment is working out okay, though. I've even got a little corner for my work station and everything. Just the same, that's no excuse for letting this site go idle, and rest assured that I've got a lot of stuff worth posting on here.
I've recently felt very invigorated in the efforts to get back out there and find an arts career. The office life really isn't cutting it for me anymore and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels. This will not do, so I will very shortly be attacking the art scene again in the same way that the Britains attacked the Romans (people who've seen Centurion will have an idea of what I'm talking about). In that spirit, here's some new stuff from my sketchbook. It's been getting harder and harder to keep to my promise of one page a day, but I'm doing my best not to deviate. I've still got so much ground to cover.
To provide some brief descriptions, the top image was a little concept I had about a creature that would fit into a horror/silliness world. It's a giant monster assembled from the combined terror and shame of a hundred thousand pairs of terror-soiled pants. Each new pair of soiled garments adds to this creatures' power. Laundry day shall be judgment day! To the right, we have an image I devised randomly one day, thinking about buildings on the backs of giant living things. In that spirit, I devised a giant tick with an entire cathedral on it's back. Props to Grant Morrison on this one, and only true Morrison fans will guess the connection there. Next, the imagine towards the bottom is just something I devised while going through some research on homonculi. I thought of the idea of using a man-made clone of yourself as a thief for further supernatural research was kind of interesting. He sort of meshed with an older idea that I've got floating around for a story about a supernatural thief that may never see the light of day, but it's nice to touch onto something close to that universe again. Finally, the image on the bottom is a survivor of sorts from a former Drink & Draw event. It seemed a shame to let it go to waste, even if it's only for giggles.
I believe it was Will Eisner who said that everyone has 3,000,000 shitty pictures in them that they need to get out of the way before they finally get a good one. Time to get some of those out of the way.
Much more on the way, I promise.