Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pretty Pictures

I'm at my parent's house out in the country. In a way, it's sort of nice to get out of the city for a little while, but there is one notable downside, being that they have a terrible scanner and no means to edit scanned images, so I can't really post anything new. In the meantime, though, I'm working up some new sketches, gathering some resources, so on, so that I'll be able to post many new and wonderful things come the new week.
In the meantime, rather than leave anyone hanging, I thought I would post some other artists whos work I find particularly inspirational. It also gives me an excuse to look at some old favorites.

Nic Klein is an artist I've only really discovered recently, but his work has a unique quality I find fascinating. In a single image, he'll combine painterly rendering, comicbook-style linework and the odd graphic element into something really amazing. Well worth checking out. Find his work at

Sean Gordon Murphy is like a god with ink. His work is so vibrant an energetic, and on top of that he's an amazing storyteller. I've seen some of his demos on youtube, and I recommend them to anyone who's ever used ink. Simply amazing stuff. His work's over at

Dustin Nguyen is to watercolor what Sean Murphy is to ink. This guy's got such a solid sense of style and such mastery over his medium, it's really quite inspiring to see. And he's also pretty good about posting tutorials of his work. His work lives at

Glenn Fabry's one of my favorite modern painters. I could be partially because I just finished rereading Preacher, and his amazingly expressive paintings make up the covers. Just the same, I'm a huge fan of his technique and his body of work is amazing. Check him out at
That'll all for now. I'll keep drawing, and perhaps in the future, if I'm stuck somewhere where I can't get my work up, I'll do more of these nods to amazing artists.

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