Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pretty Pictures Episode 2

Hey all!
I'm back out at my parent's place again this weekend, which means so decent scanner and no photoshop. Besides that, I'm gearing up to get back into some oil painting and try and buff out that portfolio. Besides a few images I have started, I've got ideas for a couple more that I'm fleshing out. Until I post those sketches and comps, here're a few of my favorite painters to serve as a little free-range inspiration.

Donato Giancola is an absolutely amazing painter. He uses the same traditional style as the old masters, only he paints Gandalf, robots and hot chicks. He's also got a new "how to paint" DVD that I've been meaning to look at. His gallery is at

Dan Dos Santos is a truly awesome artist. Not just because he specializes in really awesome covers for (generally stupid sounding) sci-fi and fantasy books, but because he's not shy to show you how he works. Well worth looking at for the tutorials alone.
They, and his gallery, can be found here

Tom Baxa is a dark fantasy artist extraordinaire. I picked up his DVD on oil painting last summer, and learned quite a lot. I also really enjoy his subject matter, which should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. Most of his stuff is trading card art, which is a shame because his larger scale paintings are awesome. Check out more of his work

Anyone unfamiliar with Chet Zar probably won't even be reading this blog. Chet is an amazing painter who carved himself out a comfortable niche in the world of dark, surrealist art. I just recently got to see some of his technique through a connection on facebook, and he, too, works very much in the way of the old masters. Find more of his amazing art at

So that's all for now. I'll try and post some more stuff soon.

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