Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hey again! I've been making a point of attending regular model-drawing nights at my old alma-mater. The other night they had about the best model they've ever had. I don't know if I can identify particularly why she was the best, but she was. Great poses, great presences, just totally worth it. Of all the pictures I did that night, this was my favorite. I messed up a little on the hand, but she moved her hand a bit during the 15 minute pose, so I figured I'd focus on the main element, her back and the associated muscles.
This while piece was done with a brush pen, which some people couldn't believe. My secret; brush pen's leave pools of ink. I used that ink as a reservoir to make fingerprints. I used those as my texture. I really enjoyed it. Next model night, I'm bringing some wet mediums.

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