Monday, October 25, 2010

Mercy: Hero of the 21st Century!!

Hey all!
This is a little something I've had on my mind for a while now. I've been playing with the idea of a pulp-action style, two-fisted hero. Or, in this case, heroine. I've immersed myself in everything I could find related to the era of the ridiculous, over-the-top action hero, and I ended up with this character, Mercy. I noticed how just about all female protagonists in pulp-action stories are so horribly exploitative, and I wanted to do something to undermine that.
Mercy was born Helena Dare, is the daughter of a famous explorer and scientist, Prof. Hugo Dare, and younger sister of noted hero and vigilante, Marcus Dare. Little Helena never saw eye-to-eye with her family, so she instead took up the life of the academic, working closely alongside archeologist and naturalist Prof. Maximilian Ramsey. The two grew to be quite close, until the fateful day when Prof. Ramsey was found assassinated with a bullet through his head. Helena was able to turn up the calling card of her beloved mentor's killer, the international criminal mastermind, Umberto Umbra. Now, resurrecting her family's history of daring-do, but keeping it a secret from her immediate family, Helena has taken on the personal of Mercy to thwart Umbra's plans at every turn and battle his hideous minions at every turn, in order to uncover what made her beloved professor worthy of being a target of one of the most vile men on earth.
More to follow, I promise. I've been thinking about this idea A LOT :)

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