Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A New Year of Drink & Draw

Hey all! A very happy belated New Year to you all! It's been a rather busy couple of weeks, between work, apartment hunting for April and regular social obligations, but I've been doing my best to stay on top of my artwork. I figured I'd make a little post to start this year off right and show off some of the stuff that's been going on with the ongoing Montreal Drink & Draw.
I was informed a while ago that there already existed a Montreal Drink & Draw event. Naturally, this news filled me with a feeling that can only be summarized by watching the dance/fight "RUMBLE!!" scenes from West Side Story. That was until I learned that they haven't really had an event in well over a year. Guess the point is a little moot.
Anyhow, our group has been making the effort to keep this going regularly. We didn't take the holidays off or anything, though we did have one night where it took people a long time to show up. We've gone through many themes, and these are just a sample of some of the pages that I'm a little prouder of. Behold the Kitten Emperor, waging endless war against Captain From the Future!! So amazing!

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