Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Hiding Homonculus

Hey all! Continuing with my New Years post dump, here is a little something I've been toying with for some time, on-and-off for a year or so now. Basically, I had the thought of having a survival horror/rpg game take place in a cabinet of curiosities. It would have a look a little bit like a slightly more surreal Castlevania game, but most of the gameplay would be focused on stealth and evasion. In that vein, your main character is the recently disembodied soul of a scholar, relocated into the half-formed husk of a partially completed homonculus that happened to be in the cabinet. The homonculus is pretty weak. Fast and nimble, but frail, so he has to rely on hiding and setting traps to evade the various horrors that have sprung to life in the cabinet.
I've been toying with this guy for some time and he doesn't feel quite done yet. I'm still wrestling with how a survival horror concept can have a fairly cute protagonist and silly enemies like living dolls and animated taxidermied animals.
This idea has been about the only breath of fresh air in my psyche these days. So much fun.

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