Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Beast of The Apocalypse

Hey all!
As many of you know, I'm one of the founders and organizers of the official Montreal Drink & Draw Night. We've been meeting weekly at Hurley's Irish Pub to draw, chat and down a couple of pints. Last week's get together was an utter disaster. No one showed up at all. It was just me and my fish and chips. Just the same, I got some work done, as we see here.
I did the graphite sketch on the night of the event, and the photoshop tones tonight to punch it up a little and make it closer to a tonal comp. The sketch needs some work, but I think this could be an image one day.
Also, for anyone who isn't reading it, I highly recommend the blog Muddy Colors to any and all artists. It's one of the best I've seen for artists. It's really worth reading. Hell, it's worth memorizing.
More to come.

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