Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Devil Dancer

Hey all!
I had an idea for this image after reading a section in China Mieville's Iron Council. The section was about demons of movement that lived in empty deserts and fed on rhythm. The idea was fascinating enough to me to devote an hour or so's work towards. Seriously, though, this would be a challenging painting to do, so I think I'm almost obliged to do it. Now I just need to get me a model who can dance :P If I can get the models, this one WILL be painted, rest assured. I feel like this one deserves to have actual humans involved.
I had so much fun with the concept of this piece as I was working on it. A human girl, allowed into the company of demons because she possesses a skill none of them can learn; the ability to contact the less physical elements of the spirit world. Demons of air and whispers, of dreams and breath. Her dance conjures these ethereal beings and makes them her slaves as they gorge on the hunger for a body they can never touch. This ancient rite began as a ritual, but to the modern demon it is little more than a diversion, but one that enslaves them just as much as their bodiless cousins. But then, what can be said of this young girl, using her body and her grace in the way a whore entices men; to command the world for her own benefit, demanding any price of her ghastly patrons, knowing that no price is too high for her unique services. Which one is the true devil; she who enslaves fleshless spirits with her lithe body, or those who pay her to do so for their own pleasure?
More to come :)

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