Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Antibody (Dreams of a Stone Head)

Hey all! This is just a little doodle I did in a coffee shop the other day, punched up with some photoshopping. I've been reading China Mieville's Iron Council so I've been in kind of a weird mood, so this felt very appropriate. It's a very interesting book, if you haven't checked it out. I can't say it's good, exactly, but it is interesting. The man's got a great sense of world-building, but his plots are getting less and less engaging. I highly recommend his first novel, Perdido Street Station. It's one of the weirdest, most wonderful books I've ever read, and really got my imagination working, which is, sadly, more than I can say for more writers these days.
This tangent is because I don't have much to say about this picture. I might refine the sketch a little and could paint it some day. I need to change the little dude, though. I just made him an alien thing because I've been reading The Invisibles from Grant Morrison and I've been thinking of aliens as the universe's antibodies. Damn good series, if you haven't seen it. I reread it every year or so to make sure I've gotten all of it. It's awesome if you're into a) magic b) spies c) Lovecraft d) intelligent action comics. And again, I'm recommending books, but this one I don't know if I can recommend highly enough. If you can wrap your head around it, it's just all around good.
Anyhow, more to follow shortly. Also, Montreal in winter is terribly pretty, but very inconvenient if you prefer to walk everywhere.

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