Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This Mortal Blade

This is a piece I meant to do during I.Z.M. 2010, but I ran out of time. He's an old character I kind of did on a whim who I've wanted to give a fresh treatment, and what better reason to revisit an old idea than getting my fancy new Pentel Brush Pen. I've wanted to get one for years, and I had a couple of bucks left over from my birthday. So, huzzah.
This guy is a former, disgraced samurai, having died in an honorable duel with a fellow warrior. His head was cut right down the middle and he was left to rot at the side of the road. A wanderer, be they a sorcerer, a demon or a god, took pity on him and decided to rebuild him, albeit imperfectly. His original intention (for me as well) was for him to be a force of terror and sorrow, but too much of his disgraced spirit remained in his mangled form. And frankly, how can something looking this goofy be truly evil? Here we see him with the severed head of a fellow undead warrior, who serves as his traveling companion/projectile weapon.
Pentel makes a good pen.

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