Thursday, August 12, 2010

Devilish Sketchdump

Hey everyone! Once again, I've begun work, and I've been trying to keep my artwork going as much as possible. Part of my regime to, after every shift at work, I got to a local coffee shop/bookstore and draw for at least an hour. To that end, I've decided to include a couple of sketches to mitigate the fact that I haven't really updated recently. I've been drawing, rest assured, but nothing that I'd consider posting here. We're always out own toughest critics.
Above is something I devised just yesterday, and have decided to render in oils. Below is just a couple of sketches that I may have to keep working on, but they show some degree of promise. I like where they're going, I'm just not sure where that is yet. I've always enjoyed a kind of Halloween aesthetic, and I've been trying to figure out the best means of working it into some paintings. This is my first stab at it. If I felt like it, I'd be photographing my drawing table to show you, my public, my various new paintings which are in the works. But I really don't, so you'll just have to imagine them. For now...

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